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Special Tinting Products


Mr.MIX is the new tintometric system based on an assortment of concentrated coloring pastes made with very high-strength pigments which are finely ground in perfectly compatible resins.

This system allows our retailers to create a wide range of primers and topcoats in over 9000 colors formulated by our software (RAL colors, NCS, commercial and industrial vehicles, agricultural machinery, micaceous iron oxide, wood dyes and other color charts).

The careful selection of components (pigments, resins and additives) that make up the coloring pastes guarantee maximum reliability, consistency and compatibility. All colors can be made from neutral binders available in pre-measured packages of different sizes.

The coloring pastes can be dosed in two ways: manual and automatic, hence two diferrent systems.

The automatic system uses Fast&Fluid and Corob dispensers. Based on the needs of the retailer, the most suitable model is suggested.

The manual system consists of the use of the following equipment: tinting machine with modular cabinet, electronic scales and computer software for color formulas.

Our software can be interfaced with all automatic tinting machines and the most popular spectrophotometers on the market. The tintometry is based on calibrated recipes chosen according to the target product. Each formula has been developed based on factors such as coverage and costs. The software also allows you to carry out various functions for color management such as: daily maintenance, customized dosages and statistical processing. Through the use of the spectrophotometer we are able to allow our retailer to manage the color formulation at the point of sale, in addition to the most diverse requests for “ad hoc” colors not formulated.

The simple and intuitive layout of these systems is very easy to use even by the less experienced operator, and guarantees precision and speed.

Mr.Mix Coloring Pastes (solvent-based)

EVO System

Special Tinting Products

Solvent-Based Binders

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